Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Travelling the Rainbow: The Life and Art of Joseph E. Yoakum, Derrel B. DePasse, Museum of Folk Art/University Press of Mississippi, 2001

The Picture Tells the Story: The Drawings of Joseph E. Yoakum, Mark Pascale, Intuit-The Center For Intuitive and Outsider Art, Chicago, 2009 (photo with the Chicago Imagists, at his home, 1969)

(Joseph E. Yoakum, Chicago, 1890-1972)

1 comment:

  1. Wow Chicago has come along way from the shame of Primitive or has it? Maybe some professors what you to think so. Oblique, yes. Hollis Segler no and no to Lostutter,Lederman,Lutes ?able and even Paschke ?able. Odd that the perspective wasn't drug along with the rest of it. Ahh while all the Europeans had their day and no one noticed it. Or did some? Happy Synergy. We knew this would happen. Unless of course someone stashed the rest of it?
