Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Roger Duvoisin (details)

Roger Duvoisin illustration details from The Happy Lion (1954), The Happy Lion's Quest (1961), The Happy Lion's Rabbits (1974), The Three Happy Lions (1959), The Happy Lion's Treasure (1970), The Happy Lion's Vacation (1967), The Old Bull Frog (1968), Red Bantam (1963).


  1. Nice to see these images on your blog. Roger Duvoisin was my much adored grandfather. I spent a lot of my childhood with my grandparents on their beautiful property in the country side of New Jersey. Their home and grounds were a weekend retreat for their friends who lived in New York and would come out for weekends in the country. It was a wonderful way of life.

    I have two young children now and they're lucky to have several of his original illustrations adorning the walls of their room. My grandfather was a wonderful man with a deep love of nature and animals and a wry sense of humour. My grandmother was equally wonderful and to this day, I miss them both. It's nice to see their work remembered and posted online.


    Danielle Duvoisin

  2. Danielle,
    Thanks so much for your comments. Your grandparents did amazing work and I plan on more posts in the near future. Your children are lucky indeed. I buy every Duvoisin illustrated book I can find. He is truly one of the best!
    Take care,

  3. I have four animal water colours not signed by your grandfather, but it says underneath that they were drawn by Roger Duvoisin for Lord & Taylor.
