Saturday, October 16, 2010

thought amplifier

STALKING THE WILD PENDULUM: On The Mechanics of Consciousness by Itzhak Bentov, A Bantam New Age Book, 1977 (illustrated by the author) (thanks S.H.)


  1. Weird.

    Came across your blog via a rather circuitous route (just reposted your Yo Yo instructions via teenangster), and realized I am sitting opposite a RAL print I got from our mutual friends Paul & Wendy... and that I bought a copy of the Armand Coppens book 'Memoirs of an Erotic Book Seller' years ago from Monkey's Paw for an ex-boyfriend who wrote a book on Bas Jan Ader that you reference in an earlier post.

    I also have the same birthday as Micah Lexier, and will be helping out at Michael Klein's TIAF booth later on this month. I have no idea what these coincidences mean, but dude, I am too New Age to ignore these quiet synchronicities.

    Let's have a beer the next time you're in Toronto!

  2. we have no idea who that weirdo is...

  3. Thanks for your support, guys.
    See if I invite you to another meeting of Unemployment Club...

  4. Hi Elaine,
    Thanks for that!!!
    Not sure when I'll be in Toronto next. Probably not for a while, I'm afraid, but I'll let you know.
    (and sorry about Paul).
    All good things,
