Monday, February 28, 2011

The Psychedelic Horror of Frank Asch

Linda by Frank Asch, McGraw Hill, 1969
Summary: A girl named Linda wakes up and goes for a morning stroll in her neighborhood. On her way, she encounters some locals, including a shirtless bearded man whom she calls "Santa".
This is Frank Asch's second children's book. He is best known for his Moonbear series from the 1980's-90's.


  1. these are evidence of the multitudes contained by artists + illustrators... i'd never have guessed the moonbear creator could have drawn these. such marvelous scribbly detail—! i love these. thanks. :)

  2. Also get "Gia and the One Hundred Dollars Worth of Bubblegum".

  3. Thanks Andy! I'll keep a look out.
    I also have his 3rd book, Elvira Everything: Girl gets a robot doll for christmas and the doll proceeds to replace her in the family. Girl runs away, but is brought home. Girl kills the doll in the bathtub.
