Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Misc. bookshelf (outbox)

Nyomjuk a Sodert by Kurti Hegedus, Budapest, 1970
For Me (Language Reading Experience Program) , Toronto, 1970
A New Introduction To Computers, ?, ?, ?
Worms by Lois and Louis Darling, Random House, NY, 1980
Khali Kaphi Hausa by Gupta Sudhansu, 1992 (hindi)
Pika-kun, The Signal by Tadashi Matsui, Tokyo, 1966 (illustrated by Shinta Cho)

It's time to thin out my shelves.


  1. Hi Junko. Is it good? Sadly, I don't read Japanese!

  2. Hi Michael,
    A nice book. This is a kind of big city version of "Red Light, Green Light" of M.W. Brown / L. Weisgard.

  3. Oooo, keep me in mind for your donations! That way you'll know who has them if you ever need 'em back.


  4. But how could you give up Worms—too funny?!
    and boy, the cover of Nyomjuk a Sodert is something!

  5. Hi Kindra. I'll have to post the back cover too---it's also worth seeing. Sadly, the inside doesn't live up to the cover (same with Worms!).

    Hi Will. Ha. If there's something in particular you really want, please let me know.
    ...and your new site looks great.
