Just a Box? by Goldie Taub Chernoff, illustrated by Margaret Hartelius, Scholastic, 1971 I Know a Lot of Things by Ann & Paul Rand, Harcourt, Brace, & World, 1956 Ed Emberley's Little Drawing Book of Weirdos by Ed Emberley, Little Brown, 1973 Lion by William Pene Du Bois, The Viking Press, 1956 (1974)
Harpoon head, Lazaroosee Akspaliak, 1975, Arctic Bay & Harpoon Head-figure, Dorset Culture, Igloolik area / Shaman's teeth, Dorset culture, Igloolik area, ivory / Mask, pre-1913, Coastal Ungava, sealskin and sinew / Shaman's mask, pre-1925, East Greenland, sealskin, fur, twine, and sinew / Harpoon head, artist unknown, 1963, Cape Dorset & Flying Bear, artist unknown, Eskimo Point / Man, Dorset culture, Igloolik area, ivory
from The Coming and Going of the Shaman: Eskimo Shamanism and Art by Jean Blodgett, The Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, 1978 (cover here at R4TH (I finally found it))
a great issue all around, also featuring David Shrigley, Tauba Auerbach, Steven Shearer, Martino Gamper, Mike Mills... Thanks for the heads up Mondoblogo, and thanks for the magazine, PVK!
Time, Ourselves, Minibeasts, Early experiences, Structures and forces, and Coloured Things, Macdonald Educational (A Unit For Teachers), published for the Schools Council by MacDonald Educational Ltd., London, 1972-1973 (For me, the contents don't quite live up to the covers, but I'll try to post the best of in the near future.)
from Ant and Bee and the ABC (Book 0, The First Ant and Bee Book) by Angela Banner, illustrated by Bryan Ward, Kaye & Ward Ltd, London , 1966 (1973 printing)
Nam June Paik and Wolf Vostell at Exposition of Music, Galerie Parnass, Wuppertal, 1963
This crumpled photocopy was pinned to my studio wall for years (the source book long forgotten). I dug it out tonight after seeing these amazing photos over at ROLU (thanks Matt!)